Men of Courage Ministry

The purpose of the Men of Courage Ministry is to awaken, encourage, and disciple men so they may lead in the role in which they have been called to by God.

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14

The Forge Bible Study

The Forge, a monthly Bible Study for men, meets the fourth Sunday of each month from 5:00-6:30 pm at Faith Evangelical Free Church. All men are invited to attend!

We hope you will consider being a part of this study.

Midweek studies are also held periodically throughout the year. Check our calendar of events for dates and times.


Jesus taught in Matthew 11:28-30 that His “yoke” is easy and his burden light.  Taking up the yoke of Christ means to share our burden with Him and with each other as we walk life’s path for His glory.

Yokefellows is a group of men committed to Jesus Christ and to each other in His Name.  We memorize Scripture verses, support and encourage each other on the deeper issues of the spiritual life, pray for one another, and always study a portion of Scripture together.  We come from various levels of spiritual growth and maturity, but the one consistent ingredient for every one of us is this – spiritual hunger. Contact Pastor Brian Young if you would like to come hungry to Yokefellows!

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Held the first Saturday of the month at Don’s Super Restaurant, 7 am. All are welcome to attend for a time of food, fellowship and prayer. There is only one month in the year the Prayer Breakfast is cancelled: February.

Annual Men’s Retreat

All are invited to gather together for fellowship and learning from God’s word at the Annual Men’s Retreat held each fall.

This year we will be going to The Gathering Place 19090 Index Avenue, Norwalk, WI. Dates are September 20-21. Starting Friday, September 20th at 5:00p.m. Ending September 21st at 2:00p.m.

Main Speaker will be Forest Lakes District Superintendent Jon Payne.

No Regrets Men’s Conference

No Regrets Men’s Ministry exists to empower the local church to develop its men into an army to reach the world for Christ. The Men of Courage Ministry encourage men in our church body and community to attend this yearly event. The next conference is in 2025.